Explore The City of Bulawayo
Zimbabwe’s second city is a major commercial, industrial and tourist centre. The city is rich in historical associations and is the home of the National Museum and headquarters of the National Railways of Zimbabwe. Nearby are the ancient Khami ruins, while to the south is the Rhodes Matopos National Park, notable for its exotic formations of huge granite boulders. Dams with excellent fishing, caves with rock paintings and a well-stocked game park make this area popular with visitors.

The Natural Museum of Zimbabwe
TThe Natural Museum of Zimbabwe located in the Centenary Park in Bulawayo, was built in 1962, and in 1982all the natural science collections were moved here and it was renamed the Natural History Museum of Zimbabwe.
With its stunning displays and valuable research collections is the best museum in Southern Africa and rank fourth in size among the museums of Africa.It is an impressive circular building with nine public display galleries, a lecture hall with a seating capacity of 120 people, a cafeteria, and eight research departments with substantial study collections and ongoing research in the following disciplines:
- Arachnology and Invertebrates
- Entomology
- Ornithology
- Mammology etc.
Matobo National Park
A visit to Bulawayo Matopos national park is a great experience for someone needing peace and discover the African nature which provides a variety of bird species, trees, animals, reptiles and not forgetting the paintings, caves which are heavily beefed with so much history.
There are things found here that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.
1. Black eagles. There is the greatest concentration of black eagles here found anywhere in the world.
2.there are awesome sights of huge granite formations.
3 there are lanner falcons
4 there are plains game and some rhino
5 there is rock climbing
6 there are bushman paintings
7 there are lodges and safari guides.

Bulawayo Railway Museum
Bulawayo Railway Museum (est. 1972) is a railway museum located at Bulawayo railway station in Zimbabwe, that houses several exhibitions of African Modern Art on the history of the railway system in Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia. Its oldest exhibits date back to 1897, and include Cecil Rhodes' personal railway coach. The museum is owned by NRZ. Due to the severe shortage of rolling stock, some steam locomotives in the museum of African Modern Art have, in the past, been refurbished and returned to service.